Things every website needs

Char at Essential Keystrokes recently posted a really good “Thursday Thirteen” entititled Thirteen Things Every Website Needs. She writes about having an “elevator speech” and where it should be used. I can’t tell you how many times...

I need this

Coolest Workspace Contest: The Treadputer – Lifehacker It’s hard to imaging typing and walking at the same time- a little like patting your head and rubbing your stomach. It’s a great idea though. Sometimes it seems impossible to get everything done...

Performancing for Firefox- review

Now that I have four separate blogs going, I decided to try a blog editor to see if it would make things simpler. Logging in and out of separate blogs, waiting for pages to load, etc. can be tedious, so I thought it might be worth a try. I considered Qumana, because I...

My new favorite social networking tool

I was a latecomer to MyBlogLog. Not being a fan of lots of clutter in sidebars, when I began to see it, I thought maybe it was just a fad and I did not rush to join. I had no idea what a great tool it is. Two things that are great about it: First, it’s just nice...

Learn to use Illustrator through tutorials

There are some people for whom it is easiest to learn a complex program by reading a book. For me, the best way to learn to use programs is to do tutorials. Learning by actually walking through a tutorial is not only easier, you’ll retain it longer. I’ve...