The I Follow “D-list”

Eve of HomeBizBlogger added me to the D-list of those who have installed the “Do Follow” plugin. This is another opportunity to share the link-love. Obviously there are now a zillion people I could add to this list because of the great response...

The I Follow “Movement”

I decided I’d like to have something in my sidebar indicating to my future readers that I’ve turned off the nofollow in my comments, and I thought others might be interested as well. So, I’ve set up a page that has the little logo you see to the...

Something’s fishy about SiteMeter

I’ve been considering trying out SiteMeter lately. I’m glad I didn’t. Turns out they have entered into an agreement with SpecificMedia to store tracking cookies on the computers of those visiting sites tracked by SiteMeter so they can sell your...

5 Reasons Why I Blog

I’ve been tagged by Brian Gardner to write about the 5 reasons I blog. I have 4 different blogs that all have different purposes, so my reasons for blogging may be slightly different depending on whether I’m talking about my personal blog, monetized blogs...

A CSS flyout menu that works in Firefox AND IE

I thought it would be easy to find. All I needed was some CSS that would generate a nice vertical flyout menu for a site I’m developing. Turns out that’s not such an easy request. I googled around and found several different menu systems that looked great...