
I’m Randa Clay. I have been making websites since the internet was a thing.

I specialize in WordPress development and making clients happy!

Show and Tell: Business Card for Deb Ng

I was excited when Deb Ng of the Freelance Writing Jobs Network approached me about creating a business card design. I knew Deb would be fun to work with, and I also don’t get the chance to design business cards as often as I might like. Deb is a writer and social media consultant and wanted a unique business card design that would reflect her business as a freelance writer, professional blogger and social media consultant.

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Ask the Experts: Do you get what you pay for?

This is the first post in my new “Ask the Experts” series, in which 4 colleagues have graciously agreed to join me in discussing a different design, WordPress, blogging, or marketing topic in each post in the series. The first question: do you believe you get what you pay for when it comes to web site development and other graphic design work?

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