
I have a new website: TumblrThemes.com! As I was doing some research for my recent articles on mini-blogging, I kept coming across people wondering if there was some sort of repository for free Tumblr themes. Finding none, and knowing how new the whole tumblelog thing is, I was curious what kind of domain names might be available. You know how hard it is to find a good domain name, right? I went over to Bust A Name, which is the absolute best tool I’ve ever come across for researching options, and sure enough tumblrthemes.com was available. So, I did what any person who already has way too many websites on her plate would do… I bought it. I then emailed Char and asked if there was a self-help organization for people like us who keep starting new sites. I knew she would know because she has more than me!

Anyway… have you tried Tumblr yet? If you have a blog, you may by nature be a person who likes to share what you find and learn with other people. However, your blog just isn’t always the right place for all those little snippets, videos, pictures, quotes, etc. that you find. What about all your other online activities? Your Flickr feed, for example can be imported into your tumblelog, as can most other feeds like Twitter, LastFM, Digg, del.icio.us, etc. It’s a great way to bring all of your online activities together into one “lifestream”. Give it a try. Here’s mine.

I am, of course, searching for people who have created free tumblr themes. I will feature your theme on my site, and I’ve already got a decent number of subscribers for a little site that’s just a week and half old and I’m already number 2 in a Google search for “tumblr themes”, so it’s a good way to get some exposure.