Z-List meme

I appreciate my friend Char over at Essential Keystrokes tagging me with a z-list meme for technology, science and consumer electronics blogs. Here’s how it works… 1. Write a short paragraph at the beginning of your post and link back to the blog that put you on the...

Some beautiful Photoshop brushes

Via Dooce, I came across some absolutely beautiful Photoshop brushes at DesignFruit.com. (click on Photoshop brushes in the menu) He has multiple sets available, including various types of foliage, brushes to create a “worn” look, and some Valentine...

3 great free web site design tools

There are quite a few free tools available for those who would like to get into web design without spending an arm and a leg. I thought I would share some of my favorites: Statcounter – a free website statistics tool. I have used this for several years and have...

Things every website needs

Char at Essential Keystrokes recently posted a really good “Thursday Thirteen” entititled Thirteen Things Every Website Needs. She writes about having an “elevator speech” and where it should be used. I can’t tell you how many times...

I need this

Coolest Workspace Contest: The Treadputer – Lifehacker It’s hard to imaging typing and walking at the same time- a little like patting your head and rubbing your stomach. It’s a great idea though. Sometimes it seems impossible to get everything done...