Recently while working on a client site, I needed a contact form plugin that went beyond the very good, commonly used Secure and Accessible PHP Contact Form. We needed something with the flexibility to add custom fields, etc. I found a most excellent solution in cformsII. This plugin is the ultimate form generator, and has so many options and features, it will do just about anything you need it to do. Check out some of the options available:
- Multiple forms on one or many pages / posts
- Easy insertion into pages, posts and sidebar via buttons, and widget support.
- Captcha verification
- Fancy Javascript date picker
- Built in CSS theme selector and CSS editor, including a nice set of predefined themes
- Form validation, customizable error messages and submission status notification
As with anything that is very flexible with lots of options, the complexity is increased just a bit, but the author has included a very complete and well-written help section, and has a support forum if you need help beyond the included documentation. I highly recommend it.
On a personal note, as we come into the Thanksgiving holiday here in the US, I’d like to say that I’m very thankful for everyone who takes the time to read and comment here. I appreciate you!