David @ 2 Years, 5 Months

Dec 09

Ah… peace and tranquility, brotherly love.

Aw… so sweet.

And… it’s over.

Look at the glee on David’s face. He loves to wrestle. (Jack likes it too, even though he looks rather uncomfortable in the picture.) David is a rough and tumble boy. He has begun to peepee in the potty intermittently. I asked him if he knew that because he was a boy he could “shoot” peepee into the potty and that really piqued his interest, and he wants everyone to come watch him “shoot” when he goes.

Destructo Boy (as we like to call him) has quite the dramatic flair, and can turn on the tears like a girl- huge dramatic sobs, hands over face., head thrown back…  but mostly he’s just sweet. He firmly believes in the healing power of kisses. He will come in bawling about being hurt and crying “can you kiss it?” Once kissed, crying abruptly stops, he says “thank you Mommy!” and out he runs!

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