David @ 2 Years, 3 Months

Oct 12

David got his first official “chore” recently. He’s the Silverware Guy and he loves it when there is silverware to be put away. He’s still getting the hang of it, but will be able to manage on his own soon.

We’ve taken down the crib and moved David into the bottom bunk. He’s done well with it and has only fallen out a couple of times. He’s begun skipping naps now and then, so we’re transitioning to “rest time” earlier than with Jack. It’s been hugely helpful to have this new traffic light alarm clock to help him to know when it’s okay to get up. We have far fewer fights in the morning in which David is arguing that he wants to get up and Jack is telling him (in increasingly high pitched tones) that it’s NOT 7 o’clock!!!!

We’re getting plenty of the terrible twos of course. Lots of big boo-hooing over everything under the sun. Lots of screaming at Jack for various minor insults and injuries, both real and imagined.  But, he balances it out with lots of kisses and hugs and cuteness!


  1. You’re doing a great job teaching your boys to be responsible Randa.

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