Jack @ 5 Years Old

Jul 28

Jack had a fun birthday and was so excited to turn 5. He got a bicycle for his birthday among other things and feels like a big boy riding it, but is a bit scared. (It’s slightly too big for him, but we didn’t want to get one he’d grow out of quickly and end up having to buy another one.)

We decided to start giving Jack and allowance when he turned 5, so he’s giving some, saving some, and keeping some to spend. He loves having a little wallet and bank, and having money of his own to put in the offering plate.

A few of Jack’s favorite things these days: playing games on the computer, going to a movie, playing with the GPS while riding in the car and telling us what direction we’re going and what road we’re on (and reminding Mommy what the speed limit is), playing with friends, reading, doing things with Daddy, pizza, and cake.

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