Jack @ 4 Years, 6 Months

Jan 29

So, can you tell that Jack has begun choosing what he will wear each day? I’ve been enjoying the combinations he comes up with, and had to really choke back a laugh when he came out of his room last week wearing a pair of David’s pants. I asked him if they felt too small and he said no, they were fine, thank you very much.

We got Jack a loft bed just after Christmas, and it has really opened up some space in the boys’ room and he loves sleeping up there. It’s nice for him to have a spot where he can get away from his little brother’s grabby hands and play in peace.

Jack doesn’t take a nap most days, but we have about an hour and a half of “rest time” each day in which he has to stay in the bedroom playing quietly or looking at books on the bed (thanks to Cris for that and many other excellent parenting tips). Sometimes, though, he still needs a nap. I can tell this when the mere mention of rest time causes him to collapse into a puddle of tears. At these times, I have him lay down with his mp3 player and he can’t fight it- it puts him right to sleep.

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