Jack @ 3 Years, 11 Months

Jun 22

Jack’s at such an odd age. At times he seems like such a big boy and at others he’s still dealing with his emotions getting the better of him. One minute he’s arguing that the verse “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” means that he can so watch TV even though I’ve told him no, and the next minute he’s having a complete out-of-control screaming meltdown because he wants his drink that he just spilled all over the floor at Barnes & Noble. Yeah, we’re never going back to that store again…

His new favorite book is the classic Everyone Poops . A new potty pooper himself, he is fascinated with all the animals and laughs hysterically as we read it. I love how the illustrations show all the animals with a strained look on their face as they do their business!

birdsJack is such a people person, I sometimes have hard time convincing him to go outside and play, because there’s no one to go out with him (I’m counting the days until David is more of a playmate for him). This Spring we’ve had a bird’s nest up in the alcove just outside our back door, and one day I had the bright idea to tell Jack that those birds sure were bored waiting for their Mommy to come back and feed them, and they would love it if a little boy would come out and talk to them and entertain him by playing in the sandbox. It worked like a charm! We named them Huey, Dewey, Louie and Mo and he would go out every day and talk to the them while he played in the sandbox. Alas, they have now flown away and I’m hoping Jack will take the opportunity to make up an invisible friend!

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