Countdown to David

Jun 28

Only a couple more days until David Bryant Clay’s arrival. Lord willing, all will go well, and we’ll wait until Thursday morning to do the c-section. I had a regular appointment on Friday and my blood pressure was up pretty high, and had it not come down after a couple of hours of observation, I would have gotten stuck in the hospital over the weekend with delivery on Monday likely. As it was, they sent me home with orders to rest and I’ll have another check Monday morning. I am ready to be done with this pregnancy, but at the same time, I’m enjoying the last few days of the relative simplicity of only having one child!

We’re grateful that my mother is here to help for the next several weeks, and are hoping that Jack will manage okay with Mommy being in the hospital for several days. We’re praying that the weekend will be a slow one for the maternity ward, and I won’t have to share a room, as you have to pay an extra $100 a day for a private room. I REALLY don’t want to have to share a room with someone. It’s difficult to imagine not having privacy during the time in the hospital, but I’ll try not to whine too much about it.

We’ll get pictures up soon- the hospital has wireless internet access!

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