Jack @ 25 Months

Aug 17

Well, Jack survived this month with no major injury, which I am very thankful for. He nearly bit through his lip, just about had his eye put out as a container with a sharp corner fell on him, fell down the stairs twice… you get the picture. The second time he fell down the stairs he was trying to walk down them wearing my mother’s shoes he had pilfered from her closet. He came away from that fall with a lovely heel-shaped gouge in his arm (yes, they were her Sunday shoes), and a boo-boo on his forehead. His two year pictures include that particular boo-boo, as I had already rescheduled them several times because of the gash next to his eye and a red runny nose.

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Jack took his first trip to the barber this month! I was so glad he consented to have his hair cut, because it was becoming nearly impossible for me to do a good job. The picture above is after the haircut, as he’s trying to get the giant sucker they gave him into his mouth.

Jack’s great joy these days is opening and closing doors. I have to drag him away from the grocery store when we go, because he wants to stand there and watch the automatic doors open and close, open and close. He has become a fan of hats, and has a nice collection going.



  1. Laura /

    He is definitely all boy! What a neat nephew we have!

  2. Laura Cloud /

    And it never ends………..yesterday, Isaac was about 20 feet up in a tree with a Wal-Mart bag. He said, “Mom, if I hold this bag above my head and jump down, will it break my fall.” My favorite boy story is when Isaac was about four and was going to “ski” down the staircase standing up in a laundry basket.

  3. He is just the cutest!!

  4. Thanks Char!

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