I think I’m addicted…

Feb 01

…to the computer that is.  I sit here before Jack wakes up, when Jack takes a nap, after Jack goes to bed, and any time in between that I can squeeze in.  I have been staying up wayyyy past my bedtime.  It seems there are endless things to do now that I have the blogs I’m trying to “monetize”.  They are new and the more content I can get posted the better.  The little bit of ad revenue I’ve generated is really motivating, and the sites are gaining every day in traffic and page loads and people are beginning to find them via search engines.  I’m also working on a couple of blog headers for a customer, and just finished a new one for Sarah Lolli.  As if I didn’t have enough blogs, I turned my randaclay.com site into a blog to gain the benefit of having regular fresh content that the search engines like so well.  Yeah… I’m addicted.


  1. I love your blogs. I just tagged you over at my website to create a contract meme. This post (http://writingthoughts.com/?p=17)explains what it is.

  2. yea I Love You wonderfull blog =)

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