Whine-O part deux

Nov 03


I’ve written about Jack’s whining before, but I thought it was worth mentioning again, as he has recently taken whining to a whole new level. With much practice, he now has moved from the beginner’s simple whine to the more complex, multi-tonal “yodel whine”. His ultimate goal of course, is the “circular whine”. Much like it’s musical cousin, circular breathing, it will allow him to continuously whine, seemingly without stopping to breathe.
He is also perfecting what we call fondly the “Floppy Fit”.  Upon hearing something which displeases him, he promptly flops down and cries like someone has just put Pat the Bunny on the stove and cooked him.  All this work on his part, and no reward.  You’d think these fits and whining were actually effective tools, the way he tries to use them over and over, while we just ignore and move on with whatever we’re doing.  A small part of me admires his persistence… the rest of me wants to do anything, anything, to make him stop before resort to taking an ice pick to my ear drums just so I don’t have to listen to it anymore.

I shouldn’t really pick on him too much.  I realized yesterday that his upper eye teeth are just about to cut through, and after several doses of ibuprofen, he is better.  It’s so hard to know when he’s just whining because it’s become a habit, and when he’s actually in pain.

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