A pox upon us!

Oct 29


Jack got the chicken pox vaccine at his 12 month pediatrician appointment, and I am very thankful. He must have had a second exposure on the airplane on the way to Texas, because exactly 2 weeks later, last Wednesday, he spiked a high fever and began to get a few spots. I really thought they were just some sort of insect bites, but as it turns out it was a very, very light case of the chicken pox. He had 7 spots total (much less than the average 200 kids normally get), and they never itched and he is completely over it with the exception of the spots healing up. We’re keeping him home from church today, just so we don’t make other parents nervous, but we’ll get Emily back tomorrow. We’ve missed her!

Mark’s mother is fond of telling the story of when Mark got the chicken pox. He was feeling really awful and itchy, and said to his mother, “I’ve never done anything to those mean old chickens, why did they have to pox me?”

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