Rules for life

Oct 15

I often think about the things I hope Mark and I are able to instill in Jack as he grows up, and I have a working list of those things which I think are essential to one’s general quality of life.  Now, I’m not talking about things of spiritual importance that are essential to one’s eternal life, but rather the habits of thought and action that make this fallen world an easier place to live in.  So, here’s my working list:

Think positively

Always look for the silver lining in the cloud.  It is there, no matter how black the cloud is.  Focus on the silver lining, not the cloud.  My eighth grade English teacher, Mrs. Daniels, was a big fan of Zig Ziglar and she wrote a “positive thought of the day” on the blackboard every day.  I remember thinking it was a little silly at the time, but she and Zig have it right.  I suppose you have to learn to think positively when you’re a man whose real first name is Hilary.

Do the icky stuff first

If you have multiple things to do in a given day, do the things you want to do least, first. That makes the fun stuff much more fun because the icky stuff is not hanging over your head.  I think procrastination is one of the great evils.  Admittedly, there are some people who work better under pressure. Working well under pressure, however, is not license to wait until you have to wear the least dirty pair of underwear twice until you get the laundry done because you’ve put it off for 2 weeks.

Put things back where you found them

My mother taught me the benefit of this and I’m thankful for it.  So much time is wasted searching for things that have not been put back in their places.

Always, always keep your word

I don’t mean just the big stuff, but the little stuff as well.  If you say you’re going to do something, do it, end of story.  Jesus said, “let your yes be yes, and your no be no.”  It’s amazing the number of times Mark has talked to people on the phone about jobs, and they have said I’ll call you back to set up an interview tomorrow before 5pm, and then nothing.  Days later, if at all, they finally call back with no apology- it’s amazing. 

What have I missed?  What else should be on this list?


  1. Become interested in other people. Learn their names, what is important to them, their hopes, dreams, etc.

  2. Compliment, compliment, compliment…I have learned over my 32 years that people love it when you give genuine compliments. It doesn’t have to be anything big, but genuine is the key. I think far to often we come upon someone that has a pretty dress, neat shoes or for the men of this world when your girlfriend or wife gets a new hair cut or style that you like and nothing is said. So, if you have a compliment tell someone.

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