Design Process 3

Once the comp is approved by the client, I start the process of moving the design from Illustrator to code. Sometimes I will use Illustrator’s built-in feature that allows you to break your image into “slices” and then Illustrator will spit it out...

Design Process 2

Inspiration has struck. Now what? Before I do anything, I decide on a color scheme. There is a lot of information out there about “color theory”, how color impacts emotion and what colors are best for marketing that is worth reading and considering. I like...

Design Process 1- Great designers steal?

Having not been formally trained in graphic design, I am always curious about other designers’ process . Some years ago, I was sure I was actually not a good designer because I had a hard time coming up with ideas and implementing them. Then I read an article by...

Up and running

Well, the site is mostly up and running, so I guess we’ll go with this version and I’ll get everything squared away very shortly. Why the change? I have a personal blog, and I kept wanting to write about design and generally techie things, but my readers...

New site

Welcome! I’m in the midst of a site redesign, turning my static web site into a blog of sorts. In the meantime, please click here to visit the old web page, and check back soon- hopefully tomorrow for the complete redesign.