First steps in designing a WordPress theme
Since my post recently about my plan to design a WordPress theme, I've taken some first steps in the project. I've learned some things and I have a question for you. I have been looking around for inspiration, and have spent lots of time on - really nice...
How to Write the Right Headline
Brian at Copyblogger has some excellent posts about post headlines which have really impacted the way I think about them. He's an expert at writing titles- when I visit his blog, and look at the popular articles section in the sidebar, I want to read all of them! He...
Learn to create a WordPress theme
Char of Essential Keytrokes suggested in the comments of the last post that I create a WordPress theme. I have thought about this a lot actually, and while I'm comfortable with the design portion of the project, I've only dipped my little toe into the PHP waters. But,...
One of the best WordPress theme designers
One of my favorite WordPress theme designers is Brian Gardner. His themes are sharp and uncluttered and really easy to work with. I use his Blue Zinfandel theme on several sites and find them very user-friendly- not junked up with a lot of unnecessary code. Brian has...
How to write killer flagship content- a review
I recently read ChrisG's e-book "How to Write Killer Flagship Content". I'm not a big e-book reader, but I have a lot of respect for Chris and have really benefited from reading his blog. Chris' writing style is particularly engaging and easy to follow. Some of the...
Z-List meme
I appreciate my friend Char over at Essential Keystrokes tagging me with a z-list meme for technology, science and consumer electronics blogs. Here’s how it works… 1. Write a short paragraph at the beginning of your post and link back to the blog that put you on the...
Some beautiful Photoshop brushes
Via Dooce, I came across some absolutely beautiful Photoshop brushes at (click on Photoshop brushes in the menu) He has multiple sets available, including various types of foliage, brushes to create a "worn" look, and some Valentine brushes that I...
3 great free web site design tools
There are quite a few free tools available for those who would like to get into web design without spending an arm and a leg. I thought I would share some of my favorites: Statcounter - a free website statistics tool. I have used this for several years and have been...
Things every website needs
Char at Essential Keystrokes recently posted a really good "Thursday Thirteen" entititled Thirteen Things Every Website Needs. She writes about having an "elevator speech" and where it should be used. I can't tell you how many times I've rewritten elevator speeches...
I need this
Coolest Workspace Contest: The Treadputer - Lifehacker It's hard to imaging typing and walking at the same time- a little like patting your head and rubbing your stomach. It's a great idea though. Sometimes it seems impossible to get everything done and exercise is...