Jack @ 3 Years Old
Jul 21
Jack has had an eventful month, and is handling all the changes in his life all right. He’s had his ups and downs, but he’s still really enjoying being a big brother and tries to be helpful where he can. He even wants to help change David’s diapers, which will last until he gets peed on the first time I guess!
We had a small birthday party at a nearby park, and everyone had a good time playing at the playground, fishing in the ponds and feeding the ducks.
I captured Jack singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star on video recently. He can carry a tune sometimes… sort of…
Embarrassing moment of the month: The elders from our church were over at our house last week, and as they were getting ready to leave, Jack came in. We bowed our heads to close our time in prayer, and Jack was pretty quiet for a bit, and then suddenly yelled out, “They’re sleeping!!”