Jack @ 16 Months

Nov 18

The time I had dreaded has finally come: the switch from two naps to one. It’s not that I don’t enjoy Jack’s company, it’s just that having two breaks during the day sure was nice. I didn’t realize that the transition would be such a difficult thing either. Since he is a bit overtired from trying to make the switch, he actually has a harder time sleeping until a decent hour in the morning, which makes it harder for him to make it to a mid-day nap, etc. – a vicious cycle. We’re working on it though, and making progress. His vocabulary has grown to about 35 words, and is finally saying “Mommy”- yay! He calls Emily “Mingami” and I’m hoping that will morph into “Mini-me”, just because I think that would be hilarious. face

He’s very affectionate, and wants to hug every little kid he meets, which upsets some of them, because sometimes you’re just not in the mood for a hug. He’s a very, very busy child and is more of a people person than the loner type like I am. He wants company when he plays. I don’t have to play with him all the time, but he wants me there to come climb all over every now and then!

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