David turns 3
Jul 18
My sweet little guy turned 3 a couple of weeks ago. We had a small family party and David had a big time.
David escaped the “terrible twos” with not very much terrible. He gets upset now and then- throws his hands up and cries things like “Now I’ll never get to play anything ever again!!!!” and wails, but it never lasts long. He’s never even had a real temper tantrum. Maybe 3 will be his year for that.
He loves puzzles, building things and drawing. He’s got really good fine motor skills for a little guy and can write some letters and draws funny pictures with funny descriptions to go along with them. He is very affectionate and always wants kisses and hugs. I was explaining to him what a wife was recently, and asked him if he thought he’d have a wife one day, and he said “Yes! And I’ll give her WOTS of kisses!”