David @ 23 Months
Jun 05
Almost 2 years old! David is such a big boy. He’s climbing in and out of his crib, opening doors, feeding himself well with a fork and spoon and talking up a storm. His favorite word is “again” – he tags it onto about half the sentences that come out of his mouth. He loves to say “See! I bwoke it again!” and “Looka I did!” Sometimes he will try to break something just to be able to say it. He enjoys the effect he can have on the world around him. He seemed to especially enjoy saying “LOOKA I DID!” when he pooped in the tub last week. I suppose there was no chance I was going to escape that particular experience with this one, but we were doing so well.
He loves to jump off of things – the coffee table, the ottoman, the bed – he keeps finding higher and higher things to jump off of.
David’s favorite books are Go, Dog. Go! and Are You My Mother?
, and he’s heard them enough that he can complete the sentences. He loves the Kindersay web site, and will sit for long periods watching the words and pictures.
Boys! I think a girl would have said Yuck at the tub incident (: