Jack @ 27 Months

Oct 19


Looks like he’s enjoying that popsicle huh? He didn’t want it at first, because it was cold, but then I told him it was chocolate, and that sold him on the idea. “Shockit????!!!”

Jack’s imagination has taken a leap forward this month. He makes up scenarios with toys, and I even caught him checking the multiple rubber duckies he has one night in the bath, to see if they needed diapers. He was picking them up one by one, turning them over to look at their nether region, and saying, “Need diaper? … nope!” We’ve shown him a couple of Bugs Bunny cartoons, but have realized maybe he’s a little young for them. He has the funniest reaction to the various “injuries” sustained by the characters, and let’s out a little “uh?!” of concern each time. He gets really worried for them.

He’s started singing… sort of. Sometimes he’ll join in with a sing-songy voice with whatever you’re singing. I was singing “Give Me Jesus” before putting him to bed a couple of weeks ago, and he laid there in the crib, singing “give me jeeeesus, give me jeeeeeeesus” over and over. We’ve been playing on the piano, hitting notes and singing “LA!” just to see if he can match pitch yet. I’m curious about how the ability to sing develops…

We have been praying with him before bed, and the other day I put him in the car and started to buckle him in, and he squnched his eyes shut and said “Dear Fadder…” and some mumbo-jumbo in the middle, and then “Amen”, and opened his eyes and said “go night-night?” Maybe he was concerned about my driving and was saying a prayer for safety? He’s big on landmarks as we’re driving and loves to point out Wendy’s, Mal-Mart, Cor-Crama (Cord Camera), Ha-Lobby (Hobby Lobby), etc.

Our most exciting happening was the first use of the potty this month! It’s just a novelty at this point, of course, but it’s been nice to see him show some interest in it.

The picture below is Mark introducing Jack to PopRocks- Jack got the funniest look on his face when they started popping on his tongue!


This month has been more challenging than ever with him. He is such a screamer, and can throw a whopper of a tantrum. My little MP3 player has kept me relatively sane, but there have been days when I’m on the computer, checking out day care costs! The only thing I haven’t tried in order to reduce the screaming is washing his mouth out with soap. I’ve tried everything else, and nothing works. So, I just put him in his room and let him scream to his heart’s content. He gets awfully mad when I put him in there, but for some reason he doesn’t try to get out. He just lays there in a pathetic puddle on the floor, screaming with every fiber of his being. He’s a sweet boy though, and perfectly normal for a 2 year old.


  1. He just keeps getting cuter. My oldest (boy) and my youngest (girl) are my tantrum kids. The good news is, Jack will grow out of it. When my son was Jack’s age he would get mad and throw screaming fits. I would carry him up to his room and very calmly place him in there and tell him he could come down once he was done screaming. Some days it was 5 minutes some days it was 30 minutes. When he calmed down we would talk about what set off the tantrum, why it was not good, and then I’d give him a hug. As he got older the tantrums became less frequent, but the did not go away until he was about 6.

  2. 6!!!???? Char, you’re killing me. Well, hopefully one of these days he’ll be still long enough to listen to me after a tantrum.

  3. I found your site through Mommy Zabs. Your photography skills are amazing! I love the photos on your site! You have a real eye for framing a shot.

    Now, I have to go back to read the content.

  4. Jack has grown so much since the last photo I saw months ago… this is a fun age, isn’t it? I believe he’s keeping you very busy, just like how my 3 year old had.

  5. What a cutie! And “shockit” is a big hit for my 2yo.

    My oldest could scream and I finally realized it was because she hit a pitch that got an instant reaction…it hurt my ears. She wasn’t rewarded the way we would think a reward would be, but the reaction was enough. The hardest for me was to completely ignore it. She can still hit that pitch when she gets excited and it rings in my ears…I’d never last under torture. Once they found that pitch, it’d be over for me!

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