Jack has found a new hat. This mixing/measuring bowl is a perfect fit for his head!
Jack’s favorite pass time these days is chasing the cats around- he loves to tackle them and lay on top of them. Every once in a while Lilee nips him and he looks so hurt and offended, like he just can’t believe she would do something like that to him. Then, of course, he goes right back to laying on top of her. His other favorite thing to do is slide! He will make a slide out of anything- even Mommy’s legs. We went to the park a couple of weeks ago the day it was warm, and he just has no fear on the playground equipment. This translates into lots of fear for me, and while he really has a good time out there, he’s probably a little young to be playing on the park playground equipment when there are lots of bigger kids running around and not paying much attention to who they might run into. |
He is enjoying Emily more and more and many days the first word out of his mouth, before I even get him out of the crib is “Eh-ly?” They are beginning to interact in a really cute way and have back and forth squealing conversations that are fun to listen to.
Jack can name most of the letters and basic shapes, is starting to use short sentences, and can almost count to ten. He sounds so cute counting, “one, two, tree, foh, five, six, nine! Yay, I did it!” It’s amazing how fast kids learn things at this age. His favorite foods are raisins (raysis), applesauce (ah-sauce),pretzels, french fries (eff-fries) and chicken. |
(I’m sure it seems like I record such mundane things here for you to read… it’s not that I think everyone is interested in Jack’s current favorite foods, but I just don’t always get things like that written down in the journal I’m keeping about him. These monthly comments about Jack are a perfect place for me to record them so I can come back later as these years become a blur.)
This picture reminds me of Jeff. We have a picture of him riding his Smurf Big Wheel with a Tupperware mixing bowl on his head for a helmet. Wasn’t that…..8 months ago? 🙂
I really like all the details. Its fun to know and it is especially neat to read the “Jack” pronunciation of things. Kids are so funny.
Hehehe That’s adorable. I have yet to experience the “funny hat mommy look!” era.