5 reasons why I blog

Feb 15

I’ve been tagged by Gayla at MomGadget and Doris at Home Office Women to come up with the five reasons I blog. I’m not sure I can come up with five, but we’ll see….

  1. To connect: a blog is a perfect way to keep friends and family updated with the latest pictures of Jack and family news. Also, being a stay-at-home-mom, I appreciate the adult interaction that comes through blogging. There are people who are acquaintances in real life (as opposed to the virtual acquaintances) who I’ve gotten to know much better by reading their blogs.
  2. To help: I spend most of my spare time on the computer, and have gained some skills that are helpful to others at times. Sometimes that help is free, and sometimes I need them to help me with a little bit of income in return for that help, thus…
  3. To earn: I blog at randaclay.com because I believe it will grow my design business. Just having a static page there never got the traffic that I’m beginning to see trickle through. I’ve already gotten one inquiry, to which I responded with some free graphic help, that has now turned into an opportunity to do some WordPress theme customization. I also hope to earn through the blogs at Printables4Scrapbooking and FreeStuff4Kids.
  4. To create: I need a creative outlet. I just want to make things pretty, and making pretty things for the screen is what I enjoy the most.
  5. To share: When I learn something really interesting, or come across a great tip that just makes life easier, I want to share it with someone. A blog is the perfect place.

Well, I was able to come up with 5 after all. Let’s see who else can come up with 5 reasons why they blog. I tag:

Laura @ Writing Thoughts and Shelli

One comment

  1. Thanks Randa! I’ve just spent the evening helping with kids’ homework, so I’m going to work on this tomorrow. (Your reasons will be pretty hard to beat, though.)


  1. WritingThoughts » Blog Archive » Why Do I Blog? Five Reasons - [...] There’s a new meme going around the blogosphere–it asks bloggers to list five reasons why they blog. I was…