Sell it on ebay?
Jan 08
Did you know that you can sell empty ink cartridges on Ebay? I’ve been scouring the internet for ways to make some extra money and ran across this blog that has some good tips on things to sell. Seems there are lots of things we’re throwing away that can be turned into some extra cash. You can also sell the coupons you clip from the newspaper that you don’t want, and the % off coupons you get in the mail from places like Bed Bath & Beyond, etc. A Home Depot 20% off coupon recently sold for $86!
We take our ink cartridges to Office Max where they will give you a pack of computer paper and Staples will give $3 toward a purchase.
Yeah, I wish they would take my Canon cartridges – there are only certain brands they take.
FWIW…I think selling coupons is still illegal…people try to subvert the law by saying their selling the “coupon cutting service” but that is semantics I believe.
And from the Mars company disclaimer on Ebay about why auctions are removed using their company name: The auction may be considered a transfer of the coupons even when a seller uses a disclaimer or statement that the seller is not selling the coupons or that the seller is only seeking compensation for his or her time to collect the coupons. For more information about Mars’ products please visit
Oh…. thanks for the info Mark.
Staples takes any brand or size of ink cartridges. Mike has brought home as many as 4 at a time from work and they will take anything. You can use as many as 3 ($9) at a time. Maybe Mark could start collecting them at work.